You must live your life to discover your purpose in it.

What if you lived a life where not knowing was part of living?

Learning to live with the known and unknown unknowns allows us to be present in the here-and-now.

How much freedom would you reclaim if your anxiety around uncertainty subsided?
What would it look like for you to live authentically?

To discover meaning in our lives we must be open to what disrupts us and draws us nearer by our curiosity.

Give yourself the space to re-cultivate imagination.

It is through living our lives we become who we are.

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Meet Victoria Venturella

I help people learn to live with the unknowns of life so that they can reduce anxiety, exercise their freewill, and be present with knowing and not knowing. Your life is yours to be created and it’s my life’s purpose to help you reach your fullest potential.

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